Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Party on the Coke Side of Life

Brief: To design a new Coca Cola advertisement, with the slogan;
"(insert word) on the Coke side of Life" 
filling in the blank with a word that related to your graphic advertisement.
I ran with a Mexican fiesta theme, lots of colour and something that was really fun. 
Here's what I came up with.

Couldn't decide which colour I preferred as a background.

Magazine Contents Pages

This is another snippet from a previous class brief about magazine layouts that we were given. 
The brief asked us to design for two demographics, one a young and fun market and the other an older, more refined target audience. 

Here are the two contents pages for my magazines. 
Young demographic

Older demographic

Save the Whales Postcards

At the end of last year, we were given a brief in class to firstly choose a social justice campaign and to then design a series of four postcards to help promote your campaign. The postcards needed to suit the tone of the campaign and at the same time be interesting enough to get someone to pick one up.

After much consideration I chose Greenpeace's Save the Whales campaign, going with their current promotion of; 'send a whale'. Send a Whale involves people logging on to to create a computer generated origami whale to send to the Japanese PM  in order to help stop Japanese whaling.

I liked the endless illustrative ways I could portray this cause, and in the end I came up with these four cutesy postcards. I loved the idea of the whale swimming around in a noodle bowl.

Art Deco Invitations

I designed these engagement invites for a friend, the brief was an invitation which echoed Art Deco style with a simple, clean, modern twist.
The client couldn't decide on which colour at first but eventually settled for the turquoise. 
Personally I like the soft grey.

Names, addresses & numbers have been changed for privacy.

Vacanza Italiana

The following photos are from my recent trip to Rome and Florence.